Welcome to Indivisible CA CD40 United

At Indivisible CA CD40 United, we highlight important democratic issues and empower individuals to take action. Our mission is to foster a truly inclusive democracy by amplifying diverse voices and building grassroots power.

Based in Orange County, California, we are a proud member of the national Indivisible community, committed to making democracy work for everyone.

Activism is my rent for living on the planet.

~ Alice Walker


Frequently asked questions

How can I join Indivisible CA CD40 United?

Reach out to us via the contact form and our team will help you join our group.

What is the time commitment if I join?

You determine the amount of time that you commit to our activities.

For some, it may be joining our monthly calls. For others, it may be calling or emailing/letter writing to senators and representatives, making signs, or participanting in rallies or leadership activities. 

Can I collaborate with Indivisible CA CD40 United?

Absolutely! We welcome collaborations that support our mission of promoting an inclusive democracy.

Join the Movement for Inclusive Democracy

Discover how you can get involved with Indivisible CA CD40 United. Whether through supporting our initiatives, or joining our grassroots efforts, your participation is vital for fostering a democratic society.